How to Breed Alexandrine Parrots


Alexandrine Parakeet pair

Alexandrine Parakeets are fairly easy to breed in captivity. To Breed alexandrine parakeets in captivity first, you need to identify male and female. As alexandrines have signs which differentiate them from male and female it is very easy to identify. The male Alexandrine parakeet will have a ring in his neck which will take at least 1 year to 2 years to fully develop.

Male Alexandrine Parakeet

As female alexandrines don't have a ring at all.

Female Alexandrine Parakeet

After successfully getting a nice pair of alexandrine parakeets your next step is to get them a large living area. To breed Alexandrine parakeets it is best to give them the bigger space you possibly can.

Small aviaries works best for breeding alexandrines. But if you get them a big cage it will also do. To breed Alexandrine Parakeets you need to give them a cage of at least 6 feet tall, 4 feet wide and 4 feet deep. This will give them ample space and privacy which is required for breeding. Place the cage somewhere where they can get privacy and out of reach from other animals and people. Keep away from places which are very crowded and noisy they need complete privacy and places which have no to moderate level of noise. As they will get scared from the noise and may decide not to breed.

An ideal breeding cage for Alexandrine Parrot

Keep the cage somewhere where they can get natural daylight throughout the day. Maintain the temperature between 25-30 degrees Celsius. The humidity level should be between 40-60 percent. They should always get 12 hours of sleep each night. So make sure they are not disturbed while they are sleeping. It is best to keep them somewhere they get natural light so that they will wake up at sunrise and start go to sleep at sunset.

Keep that in mind to breed alexandrine parrots they must be at least 3-4 years old. They will not start breeding at least they are 3-4 years old. 

As they are big birds they will need a big nesting box. The nesting box must be made of natural wood and the size should be 20 inches tall, 10 inches deep, and 20 inches wide. The nest opening must be a 5-inch hole. 

An ideal nesting box for Alexandrine Parrot

After installing the breeding box in their cage you don't have much to do after that. Now just give them proper food. You can find about their diet in my other post so check it out here:

You don't need to feed them anything special or any kind of supplements during the breeding season just give them a proper diet throughout the year. 

Now just give them privacy and they will breed in no time. But remember to have patience. It is not an easy task to breed alexandrine parakeets. It may sometimes take years to breed Alexandrine parakeets. Before they lay eggs you will see them mating which is an indication of breeding so when they come in breeding mode do not disturb them. They get a little aggressive during the breeding season. 

The female will lay 2-4 eggs. The average incubation time is 24 days. After the eggs are hatched the parents will take care of the babies provide them lots and lots of soft fresh foods at this stage. 

Happy Breeding! 
